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Assessment and Planning. Proactively preparing for climate change can reduce impacts, vulnerabilities, and costs over time, while also facilitating a more rapid and efficient response to changes. * Ho ...
Ecosystems Ecosystems . As precipitation patterns change, the potential for having too little or too much water threatens ecosystems within and near streams, lakes, and wetland ...
Drought Drought . When the environment has less moisture than usual, drought can threaten water supply, devastate crops, dry out forests, and reduce food and water available fo ...
Flooding Flooding . Increasing frequency of heavy precipitation events—especially where rain falls over large areas of impermeable surfaces—is one factor that increases the thr ...
Municipal Water Supply. As temperatures warm, changes in the water cycle will challenge the reliability of water supplies in some areas. * Home . The Stickney Water Reclama ...
Building Resilience in Coastal Communities. Examples and additional information about building resilience in the context of coastal flood risk, following the Climate Resilience Toolkit's Steps to Resi ...
Changing Ecosystems and Infectious Diseases. As the climate changes, populations of mosquitos, ticks, and other disease vectors may increase, survive longer, and expand into new areas when temperature ...
Food- and Water-Related Threats. Rising temperatures and more frequent heavy precipitation events can exacerbate food and water safety risks, resulting in more frequent pathogen-related disease outbre ...
Protecting and Enhancing the Resilience of Ecosystems. Natural resource managers, legislators, and other decision makers are working together to take effective steps toward climate change adaptation. ...
Building Food Resilience. The effects of climate change on the food system will depend on the system's adaptive responses to local climate stressors. Adaptation can happen from the individual level to ...