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and environmental features across the U.S. around the clock, which is especially essential for Alaska during its dark winter months. VIIRS also helps forecasters differentiate between snow and cloud c ...
The USGS has researchers studying and modeling the impacts of wildland fires from Florida to Alaska. Here's what you need to know about wildland fire and the USGS role in wildland fire science. What a ...
create a time series graph. Please note, Degree Days and Palmer Indices are not available for Alaska . Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PHDI), and Palmer Modifi ...
from 4.7 million to 2.1 million grazing animals in two decades, with the largest declines in Alaska and Canada. Scientists attribute the declines to Arctic warming, which is increasing the frequency o ...
Geoffrey S.; Shinneman, Douglas J.; van Mantgem, Phillip J.; York, Alison. Attribution: Alaska Science Center , Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center , Earth Resources Observation and S ...
and the sustainability of Arctic environments and peoples. From the establishment of the Alaska Federation of Natives to stop nuclear testing in Northwest Alaska, to international disputes over “owner ...
influence the regional and global carbon cycles. NASA is funding a multi-year field campaign in Alaska and northwest Canada called ABoVE (the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment) that is investigat ...
validation, GOES-17 will be operational as GOES West, providing coverage of the western U.S., Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific Ocean. GOES-17 will give the Western Hemisphere two next-generation geostat ...
messages. National Tsunami Warning Center (NWS). The National Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska, serves the continental United States, Alaska and Canada. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (NWS). T ...
of Pseudo-nitzschia have been occurring along the entire West Coast from southern California to Alaska since May 2015, prompting public health concerns. Some species of Pseudo-nitzschia create a stron ...