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Tribal Nations
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Narrative : . Climate-Smart Conservation provides guidance to natural resource managers and conservation professionals for carrying out climate adaptation and incorporating climate considera ...
Narrative : . The Northern Arizona University Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) established its Tribal Climate Change Program in 2009 to provide support and be responsi ...
Narrative : . The Useful to Usable (U2U) Decision Dashboard is an online resource for agricultural advisors, producers, and decision makers in the North Central region of the United States, ...
OceanAdapt Narrative : . The OceanAdapt Web Tool can help managers, scientists, fishermen, fishing communities, and the general public track changes in the distribution of marine species wit ...
Narrative : . The EFH (Essential Fish Habitat) Mapper is a one-stop tool for viewing the spatial representations of fish species, their life stages, and important habitats. The site also pro ...
Narrative : . Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps provide a concise summary of coastal resources that are at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby. Examples of at-risk resources include ...
Narrative : . The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's Report on the Environment (ROE) presents the best available indicators of national trends in the environment and human health. One o ...
Narrative : . The Climate Change Atlas documents the current and projected future distribution of 134 tree species and 147 bird species in the eastern United States. Changes in temperature a ...
LANDFIRE Narrative : . The Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Project—LANDFIRE—is an innovative wildland fire, ecosystem, and fuel assessment-mapping project. The system i ...
LandCarbon . Narrative :. This website is the central point of access for data and information from the LandCarbon assessment, an effort that documented carbon stocks and fluxes in all major ecosys ...