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CR4HC References CR4HC References . Literature cited in the Climate Resilience for Health Care Toolkit. * Home CR4HC HOMEPAGE LINK FOR USER TESTING ONLY ...
Economics Economics . In the face of natural disasters and economic downturns, communities and businesses can access resources and work with economic development practitioners ...
Communications Communications . When extreme events and hazards occur, the capacity of communications services may decrease even as demand for the services increase. Communitie ...
Community Resilience. Incorporating resilience for buildings and infrastructure into existing community plans can lower risk across a range of sectors. * Home . Some communities are ...
Environment and Natural Resources. Parks, open spaces, and trees within cities provide ecosystem services and shady places to relax. City planners are finding ways to enhance natural systems so that t ...
Transportation Transportation . The safety, reliability, and sustainability of transportation infrastructure in U. S. cities is threatened by a range of climate change impacts. ...
Planning and Land Use. Communities use planning and zoning to design their physical and social environments. Applying these same tools to address climate vulnerabilities can help them build resilience ...
Social Equity. In urban settings, neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status have some of the highest needs for climate adaptation and resilience-building efforts. Applying the concept of social equi ...
Water and Wastewater. City sewer systems that collect and deliver wastewater and/or stormwater to treatment facilities improve public health and keep our waterways clean. Observed increases in heavy p ...
Energy Energy . Extreme weather- and climate-related events can stress or overwhelm power generation capacity or disrupt energy distribution. In cities, reduced access to energ ...