A rain garden in Toledo, Ohio

In 2015, the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, the City of Toledo, and the Junction Community began plans to install two bioretention cells on vacant lots at the corner of Belmont and Forest Avenues in Toledo. In 2016, the joint lots (a total of 0.75 acres) were engineered and excavated to create bioretention cells. Curb cuts and pipes running under the existing sidewalks allow stormwater flowing along the street gutter to enter the cells through swales. The bioretention cells hold stormwater flows during rain events, thereby reducing the volume of water going into the combined sewer system and potentially relieving some overflow into Swan Creek. It is estimated that these biocells, which accept water from a 4.3-acre watershed, will remove more than 760 pounds of total suspended solids from the combined sewer system each year. The rain garden pictured above is located on the project's north lot. 

Last modified
22 January 2020 - 2:14pm