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Cover of the Local Strategies report
February 2009

A collection of case studies and information about how coastal communities can plan for and adapt to climate change. These resources represent a national guide for how coastal communities can plan and adapt. Case study issues range from coastal managers addressing sea level rise in Rhode Island to coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures in Florida.

Report Cover
December 2008

In 2008, the Iowa General Assembly created the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council (ICCAC), consisting of 23 voting members appointed by the state's governor. The ICCAC was tasked with developing a greenhouse gas emission reduction proposal to the governor and the general assembly. This document is the council's final report.

July 2008

The Global Warming Task Force was created by Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle in April 2007. The Task Force created this report, which contains its policy recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Wisconsin, as well as its short- and long-term goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the state.

April 2008

In 2006, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty announced the “Next Generation Energy Initiative,” which included the “development of a comprehensive plan to reduce Minnesota’s emissions of greenhouse gases.” During this announcement, the governor requested that the Center for Climate Strategies help in the development of Minnesota's Climate Mitigation Action Plan and the formation of the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. The Climate Change Advisory Group, which was tasked with developing a comprehensive set of state-level policy recommendations to the governor, produced this report.

Report Cover
September 2007

In 2006, Illinois Governor Blagojevich launched the state's Global Warming Initiative by executive order that created the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group. The group's purpose was to recommend state-level strategies to meet Illinois’ greenhouse gas reduction goals, which are similar to those set by other states and those proposed in Congress: 1990 levels by 2000, and 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. This document is the Advisory Group's report submitted to the governor.

Report Cover
March 2003

This booklet describes how natural processes affect the coast, including changes in lake levels, storms and storm surges, waves and wave climate, transport of sediment, ice on the shore, shoreline erosion, lakebed erosion, and movement of water on the land. It also describes how to protect coastal investments by adapting to natural processes, restoring a natural shoreline, moderating coastal erosion, armoring the shore, stabilizing bluffs and banks, controlling surface water and groundwater, building environmentally friendly shore protection structures, and working with engineers and contractors. The final section covers risk management and the economics of protecting a coastal investment, including shoreline property features and value, government regulations to protect a coastal investment, costs of shore protection, and accounting for climate change. There is also a list of resources for more information and a glossary of coastal engineering terms.

Report Cover
July 2002

In 1991, the Missouri Commission on Global Climate Change and Ozone Depletion concluded that climate change is being bolstered by human activity. This report includes the 1991 final report of that commission, the 1992 Final Report of the Statewide Energy Study, the 1992 final report of the Department of Natural Resources’ Institute Project, and two previous reports from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Phase 1 and Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas projects, which were issued in 1996 and 1990, respectively.
