Climate 101: Science, Impacts, and Society

Module time (hr:min)
Difficulty scale
Beautiful sunrise at the beach
Type of Training
Module Description
This engaging, asynchronous e-learning course will help you discover key climate terms and mechanisms, prepare you with essential knowledge about hazards impacting your community and industry, and introduce you to effective adaptation and mitigation strategies at regional, national, and international levels. This 1.5-hour course is tailored to your location and industry and equips you to make a real impact in your field.

Grant Proposal Development Resources

Module time (hr:min)
Difficulty scale
Type of Training
Module Description
This collection of quick references can help you find, prepare, and submit federal grant applications. Learning Outcomes from this training include: (1) Understand how to read the critical components of a federal notice of funding opportunity (NOFO); (2) Identify the key items needed to develop a competitive grant proposal; (3) Outline your own grant proposal using a worksheet with guidance to draft your project goals, plan, budget, and outreach

Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Hazards: The Basics

Module time (hr:min)
Difficulty scale
Sand dunes with a clear blue sky in the background
Type of Training
Module Description
Learn an approach for identifying your community’s coastal hazard issues, ecosystem services that can reduce hazard impacts, and green infrastructure practices that can provide those services. Develop the beginnings of a community green infrastructure plan.

How to Calculate Coastal Flood Frequency

Difficulty scale
How to Calculate Coastal Flood Frequency white text on a deep blue background
Type of Training
Module Description
These guidelines provide the steps to obtain flood threshold guidelines for a study area, calculate total water level using the Inundation Analysis Tool, and calculate flooding statistics considering future sea level rise scenarios.

Connecting with Your Audience: Planning Your Next Interaction

Difficulty scale
groupof people sitting in an audience and laughing, smiling, and engaging with the speaker.
Type of Training
Module Description
Each interaction with your audience provides a powerful opportunity to learn about that group and share information about coastal hazard risks. This quick reference worksheet leads you through the planning process of how to identify and engage your primary audience, and provides examples of how others are approaching this task.
Topics and Sectors

GIS for Climate Resilience

Module time (hr:min)
Difficulty scale
Type of Training
Module Description
An ArcGIS Tutorial Series to help users apply the geographic approach for climate resilience planning. Using a climate resilience planning process—the Steps to Resilience documented in the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit—this curriculum is designed to help you use geographic information systems to document climate hazards that could harm the people and places you care about, decide which situations you most want to avoid, and come up with workable solutions to reduce your climate-related risks.

Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Highway Resilience: An Implementation Guide

Module time (hr:min)
Difficulty scale
Type of Training
Module Description
This Implementation Guide is designed to help transportation practitioners understand how and where nature-based and hybrid solutions can be used to improve the resilience of coastal roads and bridges. Upfront, it summarizes the potential flood-reduction benefits and co-benefits of these strategies. From there, the guide follows the steps in the project delivery process, providing guidance on how to consider nature-based solutions in the planning process, how to conduct a site assessment to determine whether nature-based solutions are appropriate, key engineering and ecological design considerations, permitting approaches, construction considerations, and monitoring and maintenance strategies. The guide also includes appendices with site characterization tools, decision support for selecting nature-based solutions, suggested performance metrics, and links to additional tools and resources.
Topics and Sectors

Gulf TREE Training Kit

Difficulty scale
Screenshot of the GulfTREE homepage.
Type of Training
Module Description
Gulf TREE is a climate resilience tool search engine that allows users to access relevant tools quickly, easily, and confidently. The site walks users through a series of questions that help them identify the best climate tool for their needs. This Gulf TREE training kit allows you or a small group of people to complete the training and become a power user on your own or you can use this kit to train others to become power users.

Using Economics to Inform Decisions

Difficulty scale
Blue background with white text that reads "Using Economics to Inform Decisions"
Type of Training
Module Description
When you need to estimate the value of a project and incorporate economic data, you have various approaches to choose from. This self-guided module can help, as it provides information about benefit-cost analysis, economic impact analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and more. Understanding these basics will help you identify the appropriate approach and the data needed. This course offers one hour of certification maintenance credit for the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Topics and Sectors

Adapting Stormwater Management for Coastal Floods

Difficulty scale
Screenshot of Adapting Stormwater Management for Coastal Floods tool homepage.
Type of Training
Module Description
Developed for stormwater and floodplain managers, as well as land use planners, this interactive website incorporates tools and methods to derive critical coastal water-level thresholds, as well as assess the potential impacts of exceeding those thresholds on stormwater infrastructure. Managers can take various actions to address the issue, and this guide introduces planning, policy, on-the-ground, and funding options.
Topics and Sectors


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