CR4HC Climate Resilience Strategies for Extreme Heat: Element 3.4

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An electrician looking inside electrical panel inside a healthcare facility.

Buildings and Campus - Facility Operations

Healthcare buildings are vulnerable to power outages because they rely on electricity, plumbing systems, and energy sources like natural gas to operate systems that are critical to patient care and occupant safety, such as: lighting, air conditioning, medical and sterilization equipment, security systems, fire alarms, and electronic medical records. Buildings without operable windows can be especially at risk of overheating during power outages. Inpatients also require access to food service, clean water, laundry, and custodial services. (FEMA ASPR, 2019).

Operational resilience starts with design conversations about the building shape and structure, the location and type of windows, the building’s overall insulation, its roof type and color, and the extent to which landscaping will be used to protect the building from exposure to climate change-related hazards like extreme heat and flooding (Element 3.3). Healthcare organizations can enhance climate resilience in operational facilities by updating protocols for preventive maintenance and plans for cycling down systems during power outages to reflect the results of the organization’s prospective risk assessment (Element 1).

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Tools and Resources: 


  • Planning for Urban Heat Resilience - PAS Report 600: Report that lays out a framework for addressing urban heat, which requires setting clear urban heat planning goals and developing associated metrics for success; building a comprehensive “fact base” of information on heat risks; developing a diverse portfolio of heat mitigation and management strategies; managing uncertainty; coordinating across planning efforts; ensuring inclusive participation in planning processes; and effectively implementing, monitoring, and evaluating urban heat resilience efforts.


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