References for Steps to Resilience
The process presented here was developed through research and refined through practice. Communities and businesses across the nation are already using these steps as guidelines to confront their climate vulnerabilities, and you can too. Read through the steps and download the accompanying spreadsheet to document your own resilience-building efforts.
The Steps to Resilience were inspired by and/or adapted from the following sources:
- Preparing for Climate Impacts: Lessons from the Front Lines (Kresge Foundation)
- United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme (University of Oxford)
- Value Chain Climate Resilience: A Guide to Managing Climate Impacts in Companies and Communities (Oxfam America and Acclimatise)
- California Adaptation Planning Guide: Planning for Adaptive Communities (FEMA and California Agencies)
- Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments (ICLEI)
- Climate Change & Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Framework (USDOT Federal Highway Administration)
- The Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in EU Coastal Areas (European Commission)
- Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (IPCC)
- Adaptation to Climate Change (NCA3)
- Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE/Ecoadapt)
- What Climate Change Means for Regions across America: State Reports (White House)