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Tribal Nations
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Capacity Building. Positive steps toward greater community resilience, adaptive capacity, and limiting vulnerabilities can be achieved through increased collaboration and communication. * Home. Capaci ...
Relocation Relocation . Climate-related impacts are forcing the relocation of tribal and indigenous communities, especially in coastal regions. * Home. Estimated, observed, and ...
Disaster Risk Reduction. Some Tribal Nations face increased disaster risks from extreme weather and other climate-related events, and these disasters can be exacerbated by limited access to resources. ...
Mitigation Mitigation . Mitigation efforts may help to minimize damages from human-caused climate change. * Home . Research demonstrates that both mitigation ...
Adaptation Adaptation . Climate change adaptation actions can provide benefits and often fulfill other societal goals, including sustainable development, disaster risk reductio ...
Assessment and Planning. Proactively preparing for climate change can reduce impacts, vulnerabilities, and costs over time, while also facilitating a more rapid and efficient response to changes. * Ho ...