Screen capture from Hawai'i Climate Adaptation Portal

Hawai'i Climate Adaptation Portal

This website offers information on climate science and adaptation in Hawai'i. Users can also monitor the work of the state's Interagency Climate Adaptation Committee.

Despite global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the state of Hawai'i recognizes that climate change impacts will require adaptation to new conditions. This portal provides information to help residents understand climate science and take steps to prepare for climate change. 

Specifically, the site tracks the work of the state's Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, which provides direction, facilitation, coordination, and planning among state and county agencies, federal agencies, and other partners about climate change mitigation (reduction of greenhouse gases) and climate change resiliency strategies, including sea level rise adaptation, water and agricultural security, and natural resource conservation.

Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:15pm