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Narrative : . This map displays the potential for flooding in coastal areas based on hurricane surge models and FEMA flood zones. This map also displays real-time storms and flood advisories ...
Narrative : . The Resilient Strategies Guide (RSG) assists drinking water, wastewater, and storm water utilities in developing climate adaptation plans that address their priorities. Utiliti ...
Narrative : . The Building America Solution Center, developed by the U. S. Department of Energy, provides construction guidance for energy efficient and disaster resistant residential buildi ...
Narrative : . This tool aims to answer several critical questions that many planners, resource managers, resilience officers, and adaptation practitioners ask:. * What is successful adaptati ...
Narrative : . These data can indicate when people in different parts of the country might be at highest risk for tick bites. Unlike some tickborne disease surveillance data, the data shown i ...
Narrative : . By combining data layers, users can create community maps to inform preparedness, response, and recovery strategies. For example, users can look at the current National Weather ...
Narrative : . Total water level (TWL) at the shoreline is the combination of tides, surge, and wave runup. The Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast viewer shows animated estimates o ...
Narrative : . The tool's fillable worksheets make climate adaptation planning a simple, direct, and feasible process for communities. It can improve understanding of community vulnerability ...
Narrative : . Multiple crop industry stakeholders in Nebraska and South Dakota met to discuss the most prominent impacts and management strategies resulting from specific climate scenarios. ...
Narrative : . The eFieldbook is an online, interactive guide created to help the agricultural industry become more resilient to weather extremes, climate variability, and climate change. It ...