Screen capture of the Climate Change Resource Center home page

Climate Change Resource Center

Natural resource planners, land managers, and other decision makers can find usable science as well as approaches to adaptation and mitigation from the U.S. Forest Service to help them address climate change impacts.

The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) addresses the land manager's question, "What can I do about climate change?" by providing science-based information and tools about climate change impacts on forests and other ecosystems, as well as approaches to adaptation and mitigation in forests and grasslands. Its online portal offers original syntheses of land management topics written by scientists and resource specialists, in-depth video presentations that cover a wide range of climate change adaptation and mitigation topics, a compendium of climate change and carbon tools, a collection of case studies and example projects, and a recommended literature library.

The CCRC continues to grow and change as it adds new content on managing ecosystems under climate change. The tool is a multi-agency effort, led by the U.S. Forest Service Office of Sustainability and Climate Change with additional support from the USDA Climate Hubs and U.S. Forest Service Research and Development.

Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:15pm