Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA
This training course for water utility managers and consultants, developed by the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA), covers methods for including climate science in water supply planning processes.

Surface Water Supply on a Tidally Influenced River in Southwest Florida

The video is a recorded presentation delivered in May 2019 as part of a two-day technical training course held by the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA) in Tampa, Florida. The course was attended by drinking water and wastewater utility managers and consultants from across the United States.

Watch the whole video, or browse the content by section below. Click any section title to jump directly to that content in the video. All slide images were provided by the presenter.

Chris Martinez, Ph.D, and Kevin Morris


Overpumping of groundwater has profoundly impacted the Peace River. a resource that normally has a regular hydrologic pulse. As flow decreases, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) increases. As flow increases, TDS decreases. Wet season is the prime window of opportunity for harvesting water for public supply. System sustainability depends on diversion pumping capacity, off-stream storage volume, and source availability (quantity & quality). Challenge events are droughts which extend 18 months (or longer). System models are helpful to frame and quantify uncertainties. Sea level rise and climate shifts will impact us.

Key Points 

  • Over pumping of groundwater has profoundly impacted the resource.
  • The Peace River has a regular hydrologic pulse.
  • As flow increases, TDS decreases.
  • As flow decreases, TDS increases.
  • The wet season is the prime window of opportunity for harvesting water for public supply.
  • System sustainability depends on diversion pumping capacity, off-stream storage volume, and source availability (quantity & quality).
  • Challenge events are droughts which extend 18 months or longer.
  • System models are helpful to frame and quantify uncertainties.
  • Sea level rise and climate shifts will impact us.
Overview of the Peace River and the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority (PRMRWSA)
(2 minutes)

The Peace River System is a tidally influenced river that supplies water to the Peace River Manasota Regional Supply Authority, which comprises four counties in Southwest Florida.


Map of Manasota Regional Water Quality

Map showing the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

  • The Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority has a 51 million GPD (gallons per day) treatment capacity.
  • The watershed is roughly 1300 square miles, and the Peace River is the only source of water.
  • The Peace River Facility is just outside of Charlotte Harbor, where it is ideally located to take advantage of water quantity and quality. It is 37 miles from the river intake to the Gulf of Mexico, but the river intake is located at sea level with no dam or salinity barrier to stop upstream migration of brackish water.


Map showing the Peace River facility

The location of the Peace River Facility on the Peace River

At the point of intake, the daily tidal range is two feet. They are permitted to take in about 258 million GPD (gallons per day.)

Sustainable Withdrawals from the Peace River
(2 minutes)

The timing and quantity of withdrawal are based on 2010 Minimum Flow & Levels. Diversions are tied to upstream flow. The goal is to mimic the natural flow of the river, thus the harvest average has been only three percent of total flow since 2011.


Peace River Water Flow 2018

Water flow vs water harvested in 2018

After water is withdrawn, it can be used directly, stored in two above-ground reservoirs, or stored underground in an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system. The reservoirs contain up to 6.5 billion gallons, and the ASR wells contain up to 7 billion gallons.


Water storage from the Peace River

Two ways the PRMRWSA stores water withdrawn from the Peace River.

Impacts from Groundwater Pumping
(2 minutes)

One reason that the Peace River is the sole source of water is due to the impacts of groundwater pumping. Pumping has caused groundwater depletion of over fifty feet in some areas, causing this area to become a Water Use Caution Area in 1992.

Resource concerns on the Peace River

The Peace River flows through a Water Use Caution Area.

In addition to groundwater depletion, saltwater intrusion along the coasts and depleting lake levels along the Florida Ridge also pose an issue. NEED SOURCE

Maps of Resource Concerns on the Peace River

Maps showing the two primary recource concerns on the Peace River.

Kissingen Spring used to flow into the Peace River. Once 200 feet wide and 17 feet deep, Kissengen flowed at around 200 million gallons per day. Now the spring is nearly gone due to groundwater depletion, and it’s not certain that Kissingen will ever flow again. NEED SOURCE

Kissingen Spring, now and then

Kissingen Spring, then and now.

"then" and "now." Even without climate change, we face severe water resource issues. Karst and limestone features hydraulically connect surface and ground waters along the Peace River. In the past, these Karst features would supplement river flow during times of drought. In addition, the upper Peace River can now go completely dry during drought.


River Water Quality and Flow Dependency
(3 minutes)

Given the location of the intake, there are potential water quality issues and saline water migrating upstream. They define their allowable withdrawals based on the combined streamflow of three gauges: the Peace River and two of its tributaries.


Streamflow gauges on the Peace River

USGS Streamflow gauges on the Peace River.

The two graphs below represent streamflow in 2012. The red line represents the minimum withdrawal of 130 million gallons per day. Streamflow in the Peace is variable, and that’s visible in this graph.


Peace River flow in 2012

Water flow in 2012 in the Peace River.

Salinity is also monitored at multiple locations along the river.


Salinity recording stations along the Peace River

Salinity recording stations along the Peace River.

The next figure represents conductivity at three locations. Note that conductivity mimics flow. Salinity increases during low flow, increasing conductivity and vice versa. The green area represents drinking water standards: when the conductivity is above the green area, the water requires treatment. At higher conductivity levels, desalination is necessary in order to meet the drinking water standard. Since we’re not outfitted for desalination, we don’t withdraw water during those time periods. Instead, we draw on the Aquifer Storage and Recovery systems.


Bottom conductivity in the Peace River

Bottom conductivity in the Peace River in 2012.

In terms of sea-level rise, there are several different scenarios. For this work, five scenarios were selected and models developed to project a range of possible flow-dependent salinity relationships for the future.


Projected potential probabilities in sea-level rise

Projected potential probabilities in sea-level rise.

The figure below takes the five scenarios shown in Figure and depicts the relationship between total dissolved solids and streamflow. The water use permit doesn’t allow diversion when flow is less than 130 CFS.


Graph of the five Peace River TDS and streamflow scenarios

The five scenarios relating streamflow (CFS) and water quality (TDS).

Extreme Conditions: Flooding
(1 minute)

Florida is vulnerable to tropical storms and flooding. For example, the state was hit quite hard by Hurricane Irma in 2017. The two pictures below were taken just six days apart, when the Peace River rose as a result of Irma and flooded the pump station.


PRMRWSA pumping station Sep. 9, 2017

The pump station on September 9, 2017 at noon


The pump station on Sep. 15, 2017 at noon

The pump station on Sep. 15, 2017 at noon.

Extreme Conditions: Drought
(1 minute)


Variability in streamflow between 1998-2001 including the 1999-2001 drought event

Variability in streamflow between 1998-2001 including the 1999-2001 drought event.

The drought of 2000-2001 is considered a “challenge event”. River flow fell below 500 CFS on December 24th, 1999 and didn’t rise and did not significantly rise above 500 CFS for an extended period until June 20, 2001. The goal is to be able to handle another event like this now and in the future.


Total streamflow (CFS) of the Peace River during the 2000-2001 drought event.

Total streamflow (CFS) of the Peace River during the 2000-2001 drought event.

Building a System Model
(3 minutes)

During the wet season, they fill the reservoir and store excess water underground. Since ASR water has higher dissolved solids content, it must be mixed with the reservoir water. Timing is important because there has to be enough surface water to dilute the ASR water, but pulling ASR water too early is more expensive since it will be treated twice. System reliability modeling starts by defining fundamental solvent and solute mass balance relationships. Solute in this case is TDS.


Model for the PRMRWSA

Model for the PRMRWSA.

We’re building a model to account for that dissolved solid issue and understand the effects of potential sea level rise in terms of salinity levels at their intake. The system model details: Excel-based, daily time step model More than 170 variables Neural Net: a complex web of nested IF/THEN statements embedding logic to simulate decision making Operational Constructs: Activation Trigger Points Ramp Up Schedules Rotational Management Philosophy 41 Years of streamflow (1975-2015) for 3 stream gauges. Success is measured with a System Reliability Measure over the 41 year model study period.


PRMRWSA model goals

PRMRWSA model goals.

Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA

Chapter 1: Introduction
Unpredictable rainfall, stronger storms, and changes in historic weather patterns are just some of the observed effects of climate change. You can’t afford to be unprepared for emerging conditions and, on the other hand, you can’t be prepared for everything—and it’s not financially feasible to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Developing a plan to assess the vulnerability of your utility is essential for building resilience and ensuring you, and your customers, are prepared for a changing future. This short module provides an overview to get you started on the right foot.
Laurna Kaatz
4 Sections
12:10 Minutes
Developing a plan to assess the vulnerability of your utility is essential for building resilience and ensuring that you, and your customers, are prepared for a changing future. This module provides an overview to get you started on the right foot.
Chapter 2: Understand
You are ready to begin assessing the vulnerability of your water utility. The first steps involve an understanding of climate science, a look at projected future climate scenarios, and an overview of how climate data is collected and applied to your specific project. With these tools in your toolkit, you can move on, with confidence, to planning your assessment.
Joel Smith
9 Sections
50:53 Minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Julie Vano, Ph.D
8 Sections
27:26 minutes
Global climate models represent climate data at a high resolution. Downscaling produces accurate global climate data at a resolution useful on a local scale.
Chapter 3: Plan
How do we make decisions in light of uncertainties, especially when those decisions will last a long time? The next two lessons will show you how to move into the future with confidence.
Rob Lempert, PhD; & Michelle Miro, PhD
7 Sections
47:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Chapter 4: Implement
Wendy Graham, Ph.D.
6 Sections
Once you plan the work, it's time to work the plan! The two lessons in this chapter show real-life examples of implementation in southwest Florida.
Chris Martinez, Ph.D, and Kevin Morris
8 Sections
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Chapter 5: Case Studies
Tirusew Asefa, Tampa Bay Water
7 Sections
20:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Ana Carolina Coelho Maran, Ph.D., P.E.
5 Sections
24:30 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Brandon Goshi
6 Sections
26:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.