Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA
This training course for water utility managers and consultants, developed by the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA), covers methods for including climate science in water supply planning processes.

Water Utility Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning: Some Guiding Principles

The video is a recorded presentation delivered in May 2019 as part of a two-day technical training course held by the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA) in Tampa, Florida. The course was attended by drinking water and wastewater utility managers and consultants from across the United States.

Watch the whole video, or browse the content by section below. Click any section title to jump directly to that content in the video. All slide images were provided by the presenter.

Joel Smith
23:45 minutes


We cannot plan for a specific forecast of future climate. For some variables, we know the direction of change but not the magnitude. We know that sea levels will rise, but we don’t know exactly how much. Some key aspects are uncertain—we’re unsure of the direction of change of some key variables, such as precipitation. The challenge is how to make decisions in light of the uncertainties, especially when those decisions will last for a long time. They either incorporate climate change considerations, or they don’t. There is a way forward. Sensible decisions can be made in light of uncertainty.

Key Points

  • One of the challenges of anticipating climate change is having to make decisions under uncertainty.
  • Uncertainty approaches are better suited to identifying and assessing options in anticipation of climate change.
    • Adaptive management, risk management
    • No regrets, low regrets
    • Incremental, modular (scalable), diversification
  • Decision support can help in analyzing options.
    • Traditional assessment approaches, such as benefit-cost analysis, can still be useful.
  • Other factors besides climate are also changing and can be relevant.
Guiding Principles of Adaptation
(4 minutes)

Make decisions that work or function over a wide range of possible conditions. Aim for flexibility, robustness, and resilience.

  • Flexibility: The adaptation can accommodate different conditions by adjusting. 

  • Robustness: The adaptation can withstand a variety of conditions. 

  • Resilience: The adaptation can recover from shocks. In the context of climate change, resilience has been used to also include withstanding shocks. 

  • Consider economics: benefits should exceed costs. It’s complicated when benefits (avoided impacts) may not happen or be much larger decades into the future. 

    • Discounting—do not spend a lot now to avoid risks many years from now.

Adaptation Examples
(1 minute)

Incremental investments include low-cost adjustments to infrastructure. These can buy additional protection now and into the future.

  • Consider the option of buying land on which you can build infrastructure in the future.
  • Diversify your portfolio of options.
  • Use resilient or flexible management systems.
  • Recognize that water markets are responsive to changing conditions.
How Do We Assess Adaptation Options?
(3 minutes)

Traditional assessment approaches are often used to help identify an optimal solution. Deep uncertainty approaches recognize that “deep uncertainty” is part of the problem and try to identify adaptations that can work across an array of possible outcomes. Traditional approaches work best when uncertainties are well-characterized. However, since probabilities are not assigned, it’s hard to apply traditional approaches.

  1. Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA)
    • Expresses all benefits and costs in a common unit, typically money
    • Seeks to maximize net benefits and benefit-cost ratio
  2. Cost-effectiveness
    • Seeks the least costly and most feasible way to achieve a common outcome
  3. Multi-criteria assessment
    • Typically applied where different metrics are used; useful when some metrics aren’t easy to compare
  4. Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
    • Splits out financial, social, and environmental benefits
    • Can be used along with the above approaches. Other methods often overlook social and environmental benefits, but TBL provides more than just finances.


Challenges and Cost-Effectiveness
(2 minutes)

The probabilities of outcomes are unknown. There are no reliable probabilities on greenhouse gas emissions. Regional climate change makes predicting the outcomes more challenging. Assessing risks over generations also requires an understanding of risks to life and property now and into the future. Assessments must look for the least expensive way to achieve a particular outcome. The objective must have the same quantifiable value and this can be difficult.

  • The Environmental Protection Agency compared how much money spent per life saved from various environmental threats.
  • $ per Disability Life Year (DALY)
  • $ per unit of water supply

Assessments show whether money is being spent efficiently or where you would put your resources to most efficiently protect life.

Muti-Criteria Assessment
(2 minutes)

Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) is useful for qualitatively comparing different attributes of options. The example compares options based on effectiveness, feasibility, and costs. Rather than using a common metric such as money, MCA uses ordinal ranking, such as high, medium and low or good, fair, and poor.

Colorful chart describing various ways of assessing a new system
Deep Uncertainty Principles
(1 minute)

When developing a plan, it is important to compare the likelihood and consequence of the various outcomes, as displayed in the graphic below. In risk management it can make the most sense to avoid high likelihood and high consequence outcomes. It may also be desirable to try to avoid low likelihood, high consequence outcomes.


Deep Uncertainty Principles grid

Comparing the likelihood and consequence of outcomes.

Philosophies: Adaptive Management
(2 minutes)
  • Recognizes that we can adjust decisions as conditions change

  • Design systems/decisions so that changes in future conditions can be incorporated

  • Option to use land for investment in future, such as a reservoir

  • Example: Thames River barrier was built to protect London from storm surges over the rest of the century. They’ve implemented an adaptive management system that allows them to make their next decisions based on future sea level rise.

Adaptive Management System for the Thames River Barrier

Adaptive Management System for the Thames River Barrier


The Thames River Metropolitan Water District organized near-term investments in local supplies expecting that some will need to expand and some will be contracted as demand, regulations, climate, and other factors change. The American Society for Civil Engineers recommends an adaptive management approach. 

Adaptive management can also spread out decisions over time, as seen in the figure below, which shows decisions on flood risk in Rotterdam.

Flood Risk Decision Strategy in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Adaptation pathway map for flood risk management in the Rotterdam area (Delta Programme 2014)


Types of Adaptation
(2 minutes)
  • No Regrets
    • Adaptation can be justified without consideration of climate change.
    • Greater benefits are expected with climate change.
    • Example: Water conservation makes sense, but also provides greater benefits if you’re not sure about the availability of long-term supplies or increases in demand.
  • Low Regrets
    • Incorporates the risks of climate change.
    • Typically involves making a small investment because of climate change in order to improve the system.
    • “Low regret” on the cost side if it doesn’t work out.
  • Incremental Adaptation
    • Incrementally increases the size of the investment or make other incremental changes to adapt to expected climate change.
    • Makes the most sense when the cost of incremental change is low.
    • Appropriate for decisions with a long lifetime.
    • Can be inappropriate if fundamental change is needed faster than incremental change.
Decision Support Tools and Key Factors
(3.5 minutes)

Emphasis is on “support.” Tools do not tell you the “right” decision, but they can help organize complex information and provide insight on adaptation options. Tools can serve as a mechanism to bring stakeholders together to work through understanding risks and options so as to reduce conflict, identify key uncertainties, and suggest approaches or strategies that can work.

Many factors affect decisions. Many of those factors will change over time. The point is not to project these, but to understand how change in these and other factors can change vulnerability of a system to climate:

  • Population
  • Income
  • Technology
  • Preferences/Culture

Adaptations often incorporate ranges or are incremental.

  • Example: Culverts can accommodate a wide range of water flow and come in incremental diameters from 6 inches to one foot.
  • Decisions on sea level rise and flooding are often made in one-foot increments.

Online Training for Water Utilities | WUCA

Chapter 1: Introduction
Unpredictable rainfall, stronger storms, and changes in historic weather patterns are just some of the observed effects of climate change. You can’t afford to be unprepared for emerging conditions and, on the other hand, you can’t be prepared for everything—and it’s not financially feasible to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Developing a plan to assess the vulnerability of your utility is essential for building resilience and ensuring you, and your customers, are prepared for a changing future. This short module provides an overview to get you started on the right foot.
Laurna Kaatz
4 Sections
12:10 Minutes
Developing a plan to assess the vulnerability of your utility is essential for building resilience and ensuring that you, and your customers, are prepared for a changing future. This module provides an overview to get you started on the right foot.
Chapter 2: Understand
You are ready to begin assessing the vulnerability of your water utility. The first steps involve an understanding of climate science, a look at projected future climate scenarios, and an overview of how climate data is collected and applied to your specific project. With these tools in your toolkit, you can move on, with confidence, to planning your assessment.
Joel Smith
9 Sections
50:53 Minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Julie Vano, Ph.D
8 Sections
27:26 minutes
Global climate models represent climate data at a high resolution. Downscaling produces accurate global climate data at a resolution useful on a local scale.
Chapter 3: Plan
How do we make decisions in light of uncertainties, especially when those decisions will last a long time? The next two lessons will show you how to move into the future with confidence.
Rob Lempert, PhD; & Michelle Miro, PhD
7 Sections
47:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Chapter 4: Implement
Wendy Graham, Ph.D.
6 Sections
Once you plan the work, it's time to work the plan! The two lessons in this chapter show real-life examples of implementation in southwest Florida.
Chris Martinez, Ph.D, and Kevin Morris
8 Sections
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Chapter 5: Case Studies
Tirusew Asefa, Tampa Bay Water
7 Sections
20:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Ana Carolina Coelho Maran, Ph.D., P.E.
5 Sections
24:30 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.
Brandon Goshi
6 Sections
26:00 minutes
This course module reviews observed and projected climate change as well as many sources of uncertainty, particularly focusing on the southeastern United States.