USFS Climate Gallery - Effects of Climate Change on Infrastructure and Recreation in California StoryMap
Outdoor recreation provides substantial economic benefits to the United States. In particular, within Northern California and the Sierra Nevada regions the proportion of the population working in outdoor recreation-related employment is triple the statewide average. Residents and visitors recreating in national forests in the Sierra Nevada regions depend upon an interconnected infrastructure network, which includes roads and trails, culverts, bridges, and facilities. Many effects of climate variability, climate exposure, and disturbances have the potential to disrupt both recreation and infrastructure assets in the coming years.
In order to understand these effects, the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region and Pacific Southwest Research Station worked with adaptation partners to create the Sierra Nevada Recreation and Infrastructure Adaptation Partnership. Together, we synthesized the best available science and incorporated it into assessments, identified key climate change vulnerabilities, developed adaptation strategies, and prioritized shared stewardship opportunities with partners.