What is the Resilience Ecosystem?

The Resilience Ecosystem (RE) is an open and inclusive community of public and private entities working individually and collectively to help communities and businesses in all U.S. regions and sectors to adapt/build resilience to climate-related hazards. Though federal and non-profit entities are committed to sustaining organizational and financial support for it, the RE is not an entity, organization, or professional society; it is not “owned” by any person or group and it doesn’t seek to compete with anyone.    
The Resilience Ecosystem aims to achieve four ultimate outcomes: 

  • accelerate and grow the number of adaptation / resilience-building actions taken in communities and businesses all across the nation;
  • provide equitable access to the resources and decision services needed to reduce climate-related risks among all U.S. populations;
  • reduce loss of life and damages to human and natural systems from extreme events; and
  • strengthen our economy and increase job growth in adaptation science and services. 

See the Resilience Ecosystem Theory of Change

2023 Pilot Steps to Resilience Training for Climate Change Practitioners

23 climate change service practitioners from across the nation began the pilot Steps to Resilience Training on January 10, 2023. Supported by the Climate Resilience Fund’s Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem grant program, the six-session training will equip participants with the expertise necessary to help communities across the country plan and prepare for climate-related impacts. Each workshop is based on the methodology outlined in Implementing the Steps to Resilience, A Practitioner’s Guide, and is being led by experts at Fernleaf and UNC Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center, in collaboration with NOAA’s Climate Program Office. Click here to learn more about this Steps to Resilience training.

2021 Advisory Session to Inform Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE)

Watch and listen to the video below, or explore the slide deck yourself.

2020 Resilience Ecosystem Workshop

The Second Resilience Ecosystem Workshop (REW2) convened roughly 100 adaptation and resilience professionals in a series of four online meetings in Spring 2020. This was the second REW sponsored by the NOAA Climate Program Office and Climate Resilience Fund (the first was held in person at NOAA headquarters in 2018). This year the U.S. Global Change Research Program joined as a third co-sponsor. Organizers of REW2 included representatives from the U.S. federal government as well as the private and non-profit sectors. More information about the workshop, including links to workshop slide decks and activities and a theory of change, can be found by visiting the workshop's webpage.

Many REW2 participants have begun to collaborate on synergistic projects. Seven groups received funding through the Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE) grants competition, in October 2020. CCRE is a partnership between the Climate Resilience Fund, the NOAA Climate Program Office, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation.