
Gulf of Mexico Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) | An IOOS Regional Data Portal


The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) coordinates information gathered by federal, state, and private partners, ensuring that data are timely, reliable, accurate, and available to everyone—from weather forecasters to Coast Guard first responders—to ensure a healthy, productive ocean and resilient coastal communities for the Gulf’s 14 million residents and the $234 billion annual economic benefit it provides to the U.S. economy.

Instead of operating their own in-water assets such as buoys, autonomous vehicles, radar systems, and water-quality monitoring tools, GCOOS collaborates with and provides grant support to on-the-ground investigators who develop and implement data collection using their own systems. The system leverages limited dollars to increase partnerships with local and state organizations Gulf-wide that use professional and citizen scientists to develop a comprehensive data system that benefits users and supports jobs and local economies.

The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) is a national-regional partnership working to provide new tools and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. Integrated ocean information is available in near real time, as well as retrospectively. Easier and better access to this information is improving our ability to understand and predict coastal events such as storms, wave heights, and sea level change. Such knowledge is needed for everything from retail to development planning.

This site is one of eleven regional associations (RAs), which guide development of and stakeholder input to regional observing activities. The RAs serve the nation's coastal communities, including the Great Lakes, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands and territories. All RAs offer data collected in their region through their website data portals. Datasets offered at each portal reflect the regional associations' specific strengths and local partnerships.