National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS)
Extreme heat—whether in the form of rising long-term average temperatures or punctuated by heat waves—is a global health threat. In the U.S., it is already deadlier than all other natural disasters combined, and it will clearly be exacerbated by a changing climate.
This web-based integrated information system provides authoritative and usable resources on the subject of heat health. Users can view active heat warnings by state; find collections of tools and reports specific to heat health; get targeted information on managing heat health hazards among at-risk populations; view map-based weekly, monthly, and seasonal heat outlooks; and receive up-to-date heat health news.
NIHHIS is an interagency partnership developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and domestic and international partners, with a goal of:
- Building understanding of the problem of extreme heat,
- Defining demand for climate services that enhance societal resilience,
- Developing science-based products and services from a sustained climate science research program, and
- Improving capacity, communication, and societal understanding of the problem in order to reduce morbidity and mortality due to extreme heat.