
Resilience Metrics


This tool aims to answer several critical questions that many planners, resource managers, resilience officers, and adaptation practitioners ask:

  • What is successful adaptation to climate change?
  • How do we get there?
  • How do we know if we’re moving in the right direction?
  • How do we track progress toward resilience goals?
  • How do we measure “success”?

This website offers a user-friendly guide through these questions. You will find tools to help you arrive at answers that fit your local context.

Rather than imposing a single vision of success and standardized set of indicators and metrics on any sector, region, or community, the tools on this site can be applied in contextualized ways to the unique circumstances in which users work. In addition, the toolkit offers resources, job aids, and links to others who are also working on these questions.

Several projects—each building on insights gained from those that came before it—informed the website. The underlying work was, in important ways, co-designed by practitioners and researchers to ensure that resilience-building and progress-tracking are informed by the best available science and aligned with the realities of working on adaptation on the ground.

As research continues, experience with using these tools accumulates, and further helpful resources are identified, the developers will add to the toolkit over time.

Resilience Metrics is the cumulative result of more than 10 years of collaborative research, involving a wide range of experts, decision makers, and stakeholders from across the U.S. The underlying projects were led by Dr. Susanne Moser and supported in significant ways by various programs of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


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