Screenshot from Solar Roadmap

Solar Roadmap™

Communities or organizations that want to increase the capacity of solar power in their region can use this comprehensive set of resources to learn about relevant policies and best practices for encouraging adoption of solar power.

Government agencies, regional organizations, residents, businesses, and electric utilities can use this site to explore national best practices for encouraging the use of solar energy. Users can also find information on relevant policies, programs, and case studies illustrating various paths to developing solar power projects. Communities interested in solar energy can find actionable steps to increase cost-effective installation of solar systems, help drive economic growth, and improve their environments.

Solar Roadmap offers interactive access to national resources for transforming local solar markets tailored to each community. The site is based on a comprehensive resource library for the municipal, utility, and industry sectors. Within the database, users can find best practices, case studies, how-to guides, templates, tools, and program materials from over 100 unique author organizations. Powerful search tools and customized roadmaps based on the most applicable resources make the information easily accessible.

Communities can generate a customized Solar Roadmap to benchmark their initial status, set clean energy and economic development goals, and track progress toward reaching their goals. In addition to detailed guidance on specific actions that can have the most impact, Solar Roadmaps offer:

  • A public community landing page with resources for residents, installers, and finance providers.
  • A local evaluation report on your solar market potential, as well as economic and environmental impact.
  • Ability to measure your progress against others on the Solar Roadmap Leaderboard and gain recognition for accomplishments.

The Solar Roadmap focuses on areas with the highest impact on market activity:

  • Permitting and inspection processes.
  • Planning and zoning guidelines.
  • Financing tools and programs.
  • Utility interconnection processes.
  • Solar market development programs.
Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:16pm