Rocky Mountains–High Plains Climate Dashboard
Images are automatically updated when the original providers update them on their respective websites. The tool is focused on eight states: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.
Click on any image to view a full-sized version, and click again to reduce it. You can enlarge multiple images at the same time, and click-drag to move them around your desktop. Each image's name is linked to the corresponding page at the provider's website.
Images included:
- Recent Temperatures and Precipitation
- Current Snowpack and Forecasted Streamflow
- Drought Monitoring—USDM & SPI
- Drought Monitoring—Current Soil Moisture, ETa, and EDDI
- Current Streamflow
- Weather and Soil Moisture Forecasts (up to 2 weeks)
- Monthly and Seasonal Forage and Climate Outlooks (up to 5 months)
- ENSO Conditions & Forecasts
Hazards Addressed