Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) Data Viewer

Mt. Eyak SNOTEL site, above the coastal town of Cordova, Alaska. Snow depth about 10.5 feet, 45 percent density. April 2012.
SNOTEL sites are automated weather stations installed in remote, mountainous areas where it’s difficult for people to travel. Pressure-sensitive “pillows” at the sites weigh the amount of snow that sits on them through the winter. Hourly measurements provide resources managers with a continuous estimate of the amount of water contained in snowpack. Temperature and precipitation data recorded at SNOTEL sites also help resource managers understand local conditions at the remote sites. This information is valuable for estimating the rate of snowmelt.
For each station, the SNOTEL Data Viewer provides one-click access to station information, tables showing 30 days of daily data or 7 days of hourly data, water year year-to-date charts showing accumulated precipitation, and other custom reports.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) installs, operates, and maintains the SNOTEL system. Data from the system inform the cooperative Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting (SSWSF) Program, which conducts snow surveys to develop accurate and reliable water supply forecasts.