Screen capture from the DWMAPS tool

Drinking Water Mapping Application to Protect Source Waters (DWMAPS)

Community members can use this online mapping tool to find information about drinking water in their communities; professionals and planners can use the tool to update source water assessments and prioritize source water protection measures.

This user-friendly tool from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can help communities and individuals find answers to questions like:

  • Who supplies my drinking water?
  • Is the source of my drinking water polluted?
  • Are there possible sources of pollution near my drinking water that might be affecting my community's water supply?
  • How can I get involved in protecting sources of drinking water in my community?

DWMAPS can provide drinking water professionals, source water collaboratives, watershed groups, and others with information to update source water assessments and prioritize source water protection measures in any location or watershed in the country. Specifically, DWMAPS helps users to:

  • Identify potential sources of contamination in locations defined by users;
  • Find data to support source water assessments and plans to manage potential sources of contamination;
  • Evaluate accidental spills and releases, identifying where emergency response resources for accidental releases must be readily available; and
  • Promote integration of drinking water protection activities with other environmental programs at the EPA, state, and local levels.

DWMAPS does not display the actual locations of public water system facility intakes, but contains a wide variety of data useful to protection of drinking water sources.

Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:15pm