Probable Futures
The Probable Futures platform is an educational web-based experience that offers interactive maps, science, historical context, and stories to help people envision a range of climate futures. The non-profit climate literacy initiative partnered with the Woodwell Climate Research Center to make the best available climate science actionable.
Probable Futures aims to increase the chances that the future is good. The site offers tools to visualize climate change along with stories and insights to help people understand what those changes mean so they can have practical conversations and make informed decisions about the future in a changing climate.
Features of the site include
- Interactive maps characterizing climate conditions at various global warming levels
- A comprehensive set of Questions and Answers about Global Climate Models
- Chapters (Volumes) on Stability, Risk, and Complexity, each with background information and interactive maps
- Thematic collections of literature, film, art, and other media to encourage deeper understandings of our planet, challenge conventional thinking, and help us all envision ways to live well in a changing climate