Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa with fuel tanks in foreground.

The Pacific Islands Climate Storybook

To empower community climate adaptation in the Pacific Islands, a multi-island coalition expanded upon a 2015 comprehensive template for writing climate stories and the collection of case studies. The new Storybook is a roadmap to predict, prepare, and adapt, to a changing climate.

Follow the links below to learn about and access The Pacific Islands Climate Storybook, published in 2021 by the Pacific Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments Program.

About the new Pacific Islands Climate Storybook »

The new Pacific Islands Climate Storybook »


Story Credit

Marra, J., C. Courtney, and L. Brewington, 2021: The Pacific Islands Climate Storybook.
Honolulu, HI: The Pacific Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments Program.

Banner Image Credit

The fuel tanks at the entrance to Pago Pago Harbor. American Samoa, Tutuila Island. Source: LCDR Eric Johnson, NOAA Corps. - NOAA Photo Library

Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:01pm