Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Screen capture from the website
Giant storm waves splash above sea wall and the road is beginning to flood.
Screen capture from the AdaptMap tool
Screen capture from the database website
Screen capture from Being Prepared for Climate Change
Screenshot of the homepage of the CHaMP.
Screen capture from the ARC-X website
Screen capture from the Story Map
Screen capture from Climate Explorer
Screen capture from the CREAT website
Screen capture from the dashboard
Screen capture from Coastal Restoration Toolkit
Screen capture from the Outlook
Storm clouds loom along the coast of Atlantic City.
Screen capture from the Explore Climate Impacts tool
screen grab from site
Screen capture from the Flood Resilience Checklist
Screen capture from the Flood Resilience Guide
Screen capture from the FloodHelpNY website
Screenshot from the Great Lakes Climate and Demographic Atlas
Screen capture from the Outlook
Screen capture from the Outlook
Screen capture from the Hazus tool
Screen capture from the Hudson River mapping tool
Screen capture from the tool webpage
screen capture from LASSO tool
Screen capture from the tool
Screen Capture from the National Stormwater Calculator
Thin layer of dredged sediment being spread to raise the target elevation for vegetation in this marsh
Screen capture from Neighborhoods at Risk
Screen capture of the NEWA home page
Screen capture from the NorEaST tool
