Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Project manual screenshot
Natural resources planning activities are constantly changing to accommodate new challenges, and it is becoming increasingly important that conservation and land management activities intentionally consider a changing and uncertain climate. This Quick Guide to Adaptation Planning for Natural Resources Professionals gives you a starting point to help you design and implement adaptation actions in your work, with a focus on the project level.  This guide draws on the five-step Adaptation Workbook process desi
Icons from Climate Portal Guide
Screen capture from the ACIS Climate Maps tool
Circular diagram showing past and present environmental conditions in Interior Alaska. Source: Community Partnerships for Self-Reliance program
corn field on a clear sunny day
Close up of cedar branches
Screen capture from the website
Screen capture from the AdaptMap tool
Screen capture from the AdaptWest website
Screen capture from the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service tool
Screen capture from the AgBiz Logic website
Screen capture from the ACPF Toolbox
Florida oranges
Screen capture from the AirNow website
screen grab from outlook
Screen capture from Alaska Climate and Weather Highlights
Screen capture from the Coastal Change Viewer
Screen capture from Alaska Coastal Profile Tool
Glaciers, land, shoreline, and ocean in satellite view of Alaska
Screen capture from the AKOATS tool
Screen capture from Alaska Shoreline Change Tool
Tracy Arm, Southeast Alaska mainland, from the Alaska ShoreZone
Orange hawkweed
Screen capture from the Annual Greenhouse Gas Index tool
Screenshot from Arctic ERMA
Screen capture from the Atlas
Screen capture from Barrow Sea Ice Thickness and Sea Level Webcam and Radar
Screen capture from Being Prepared for Climate Change
Aerial view of the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Screen capture from Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters
Screen capture from the BRACE website
screenshot of tool
Screen capture from the Cal-Adapt website
