Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

corn field on a clear sunny day
Close up of cedar branches
screen grab from site
Screen capture from Being Prepared for Climate Change
screenshot of tool
Screen capture from the BRACE website
Screen capture from the CAKE website
Screen capture from Climate Change Resilience Roadmap
Screen capture from the CCRF website
Screenshot of EPA's CRAFT
Screen capture from the Climate-Smart Conservation guide
Screen capture from Coastal Community Resilience Planning Guide
Screen capture from the Coastal County Snapshots tool
Illustration from the booklet cover
Coastal Resilience Infographic
Screen capture from Coastal Restoration Toolkit
Screen capture from the guide's cover
Screen capture from the CBWR Tool promotional video
Screen capture from the CRWU website
Screen capture from a Data Basin map
Screen capture from the Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool website
Storm clouds loom along the coast of Atlantic City.
screenshot of site
Screen capture from the Extreme Heat Prevention Guide website
Icons from Federal Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Toolkit
Photo of Lake Superior from the G-WOW Website
Offshore Artificial Reef Map
Screen capture from the handout
Screen capture from the tool cover
Cover of the OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Training Guide
large tree branches with small yellow leaves stretch into a bright blue sky.
Screen capture from the Heat Safety Tips website
Screen capture from the Heat Stress website
