How New Battery Capacity Helped California Avoid Another Blackout
New battery capacity in the form of battery energy storage (BES) units was a key difference-maker that contributed, along with demand response, to preventing blackouts during California’s extreme heatwave in September 2022.
Climate change represents a significant challenge for California. Climate scientists have found that are becoming more frequent, more intense, and longer-lasting, as well as exhibiting higher nighttime temperatures and humidity—particularly in inland urban areas. Periods of sustained high temperatures and extreme weather readings will have the most direct impact on the peak demand forecast, leading to more frequent scarcity condition events when electricity supply and demand becomes severely imbalanced.
Follow the link below to access the case study published by ICF International, Inc.
How New Battery Capacity Helped California Avoid Another Blackout »
Story Credit:
Devarsh Kumar, ICF Energy Markets Consultant
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Last modified:
10 May 2024 - 12:01pm
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