Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Screen capture from the guide's cover
Screen capture from toolkit
Screen capture from the Delaware Community Flood Map Visualization tool
Image from the Handbook, courtesy of Delaware Sea Grant
Screenshot from DRSL map viewer
Screen capture from the Outlook
Screen capture from the emPOWER Map website
Storm clouds loom along the coast of Atlantic City.
Screen capture from the Explore Climate Impacts tool
Screen capture from the Extreme Heat Prevention Guide website
screen grab from site
Winter flounder in Narragansett Bay
Screen capture from Fisheries Resilience Index
Screen capture from the Flood Resilience Checklist
Screen capture from the Flood Resilience Guide
Screen capture from the FloodHelpNY website
A screenshot of the ecosystem service mapper
Screen capture from the Getting to Resilience website
Screenshot from the Great Lakes Climate and Demographic Atlas
Screen capture from the Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Planning website
Screen capture from the Outlook
Screen capture from Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard
Screen capture from the tool cover
Screen capture from the Outlook
The HazPop app on an iPhone
Screen capture from the Hazus tool
A bright pink and orange sunset glows behind the Raleigh, NC skyline.
Screen capture from the Know Your Line—High Water Mark Initiative project in Sacramento, CA
Natural Hazards map screen capture
Screen capture from the Hudson River mapping tool
Screen capture from the tool webpage
Screen capture of the IPCC AR6 Sea Level Projection Tool that displays different measurement stations along the coast (blue dots) and sea level rise in orange.
Screen capture from the Lake Level Viewer
screen capture from LASSO tool
Screenshot of template
