Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Southeast Alaska Sea Level Rise
Changing Wildfire, Changing Forests Screenshot with burning forest
Climate Change and Adaptation: Mid-Atlantic Forests StoryMap Screenshot
New England and Northern New York Forests StoryMap Screenshot
Climate Change Pressures in the 21st Century StoryMap Screenshot
mountainous landscape with a clear river running through the valley
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments StoryMap Screenshot
Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains StoryMap Screenshot
Drought and Moisture Over Time StoryMap Screenshot
Drought Summary Tool StoryMap
Effects of Climate Change on Infrastructure and Recreation in California StoryMap
Forest Disturbances and Drought StoryMap Screenshot
Francis Marion National Forest: Adapting to Climate Change StoryMap Screenshot
Precipitation and Wildfires StoryMap Screenshot
Rangeland Allotment Monitoring System StoryMap Screenshot
Snow Drought StoryMap Screenshot
Stream Temperature and Native Trout StoryMap Screenshot
Streamflow in a Changing Climate StoryMap Screenshot
The Snows of Alaska StoryMap Screenshot
A screenshot of the FEV centered on the American east coast showing the path of the 2020 hurricane delta
screenshot of a grey outline map of counties in Utah with yellow and red hazard susceptibility overlaid.
Screen capture from VDatum
Screen capture of the VegDRI website
Screen capture from VegScape
Screen caption from the tool website
White rocks line the bank of a stream in Washing County, USA.
Screen capture from a VCAPS diagram
screen grab from site
Screen capture from the WaterWatch website
Screen capture from the Wave Exposure Model tool
Screen capture from the Web Soil Survey tool
