Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Fall leaves in the foreground with a round, dome shaped building in the background
Map showing city and water
Screen capture from Ocean Ecosystem Indicators
School of Jack mackeral from NOAA Photo Library
Screen capture from the OnTheMap tool
Screen capture from the Oregon Coastal Atlas
Screen capture from the Our Coast, Our Future website
Screen capture from Climate Impacts and Outlook for Hawai'i and the U.S. Pacific Islands Region
Screen capture from Pacific ENSO Update
Screen capture from PacIOOS
Screen capture from PIRCA site
Screen capture from Pan Inuit Trails Atlas
Screenshot from the PCSWMM website
Satellite view of Florida
Screen capture from the PINEMAP website
A large branch of a tree burns during a wildfire
screen grab from site
Screen capture from the Precipitation and Applications Viewer
Temperature map
Silhouettes of people
Photomosaic of an area of the Puerto Rican coastline circa 1930
Colorful houses in city view
Screen capture of the tool, a GIS viewer of different assets that may be at risk from climate change
Screen capture from the QuickDRI tool
Screenshot from R Studio
Screen capture from Rainfall Atlas of Hawaiʻi
Screen capture from the tool
coral reef
Screen capture from the ARCCA Website
Screen capture from the REDTI website
Screen capture from the RAPT tool
Screen capture from the ePublication
Screen capture of the Toolkit website
Screen capture from the website
