Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events. Browse the list below, or filter by topic and/or tool functionality in the boxes above. To expand your results, click the Clear Filters link.

Screenshot from the Integrated Rapid Visual Screening for Buildings tool
Screenshot from the Integrated Rapid Visual Screening for Tunnels tool
Screen capture from the InVEST tool
Screen capture from the tool webpage
Teal and blue ocean washes onto shore from the left side of the image. The wave breaks in the middle of the image and separates the water fro the sand with white bubbles.
Screen capture from the Inundation Analysis Tool
Screen capture from the Inundation Mapping Interface tool
Screen capture from the tool website
Screen capture of the IPCC AR6 Sea Level Projection Tool that displays different measurement stations along the coast (blue dots) and sea level rise in orange.
Screen capture from J-SCOPE
Screen capture from the Keeping Pace website
Screen capture from the Lake Level Viewer
Screen capture from the LandCarbon tool
Screen capture from LANDFIRE
Mountain landscape silhouette
Screen capture from the project website
Screen capture from the Landslide Overview Map
screen capture from LASSO tool
Screen capture from the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Digital Commons Database website
Screen capture from Living With Dams PDF from FEMA
Screen capture from the Local Climate Analysis Tool website
Screen capture from the Local Environmental Observer Network
Screenshot of template
Screen capture from the LIHEAP website
Photo of bug spray application
Screen capture from the MACA CMIP5 Statistically Downscaled Climate Projections tool
Screen capture from the toolkit website
Screen capture of the tool website
Screen capture from the Maryland Coastal Atlas tool
Screen capture from the tool
Screen capture from Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration
Screen capture from MARACOOS
Screen capture from the Conservation Planner
Screen capture from the Outlook
Ocean waves
